

Hi. How are you doing? I'm spending a good time with my family.

Anyway, I started reading a new book, which is " The Canterbury Tales" written by Geoffrey Chaucer. I think that you've heard the title and the author.

A group of pilgrims are traveling together for five days from London to Canterbury. On the way, each pirglim has to tell a story to keep the others amused.

I've already read the three tales, 'The Knight's Tale', 'The Clerk's Tale' and 'The Wife of Bath's Tale'.
All of them are interesting story!

First, 'The Knight's Tale'. There are two knights who are prisoned in a high tower in Athens by Duke Theseus. They were living together for a long time and they were good friends. One day, They saw a beautiful girl from the tower, and both of them fell in love with the lady who was yonger sister of Theseus's wife. Since then, they began to have an adversarial relationship. After, one of the knights, Arcite was deportef from Athens and another knight, Palamon was not released. However, they couldn't give up the beautifyl lady....

Second, 'The Clerk's Tale'. A perfect lord, Walter married to the most beautiful girl in his town, Griselda. He made her promise to do what Walter said. Walter wanted to test her love, so he commanded her to cruel orders. He asked her to send away her two children, and at last he asked her to go away. She accepted all orders because she loved him. Walter was convinced that his wife loved him so much. So, he decided to do a last order and give her a bif surprise....

Finally, 'The Wife of Bath's Tale'. There was a knight who was going to be executed. However, he gave a chance to be saved from the execution by the Queen. She asked him to answer a question, 'what did a woman want most in all the world'. The knight gave a year and a day to figure out the answer, but he didn't find. The day was coming, and then he asked an ugly old woman the question's answer. She helped him but she gave him a condition. She said, ' You have to do the first thing that I ask you, if I give you a right answer!’. Fortunately, he gave the queen a good answer and the old lady appeared and said, ' I want you to marry me!'. The queen agreed the exchange and the conditiond, so she ordered him to marry to the old woman. At the beginning, he didn't like her and didn't want to accept her, but he was getting to feel love her because she had a good heart. Finally, he accepted her and kissed her, and then the old lady transformed into a beautiful fairy...!!

I like 'The Wife of Bath's Tale' the best! It's like  'The Beauty and the Beast'! 
                                                                                           see you next time....

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