

     Hi. October has come! It's so fast isn't it? And it's getting cold, so I should change to a different set of clothing in this weekend. Anyway...

Merida had grown up an active and inquisitive princess. She liked riding hourse and practcticing on her bow and arrow. Although the princess was getting to be braver and braver, her mother ( Queen) did not feel good because she thought that a princess should have behaved elegantly. Thus, the Queen kept giving lessson for being a head of the country to her daughter. However Merida was bored with the age-old custom.

One day, Merida sliped out her castle and stepped into the forest with her horse,Angus.Then, she found notches in the rock for her hands and feet and began to climb. Hand over hand, she slowly pulled herself up to the Crone's Tooth. As the sun passed over the mountains, a shaft of sunlight hit the waterfall next to the Crone's Tooth. This was the Fire Fall she'd heard about in ancient stories and songs.

She went back her home with exciting. At the dinner table, she quarreled with her mother because the queen forced Merida to get married to her betrothed. Merida couldn't accept the sudden marriage.

I'm sorry that Merida is not able to choose her way of living because she is a 'princess'. Also, she never wanted to marriage. But I don't feel that she follow her parents and get married. I'm looking forward to reading next.

                                                                                                     see you next time

2 件のコメント:

  1. I've heard of the book! It is the Walt Disney movie, isn't it?
    I think it is conventional for princess to be forced marriage. I'm looking forward to reading your review next time ;D!

  2. Hi,I'm Mariko Nanno.
    I don't know this story, but it sounds exciting^^
    I'm looking forward to your next blog^^
