

Hi, this is the last week in October! It is too fast!
And I have read the book, 'BRAVE' at last! I'm thinking which book I 'm going to read next:)

The witch gave Merida a special cake with spell. After Merida returned to her castle and gave her mother. Then, Queen, Elinor transformed a bear like Mor'du. She screamed at first, however the bear was her mum. It means that Elinor had a human feeling even her appearance had been changed. Merida regreted what she had done for her mother because she never wanted to change her mother into a bear.Therefore they went to the witch to ask breaking Elinor's spell. But the witch had gone and Merida and her mother were depressed. And what was even worse, Elinor gradually became a real wild bear.

As they returned to their castle, all people in castle found Elinor bear and they tried to kill her because King Fungus thought that the bear was Mor'du. Merida was locked in a room because her father wanted that his daughter was in safe place not to be injured by the bear. Merida tried to persuade her father that the bear was his wife, Elinor, but she couldn't.

Fortunately, three little bears brought her a key of the locked room, so she could leave the room and run to Elinor bear. Surprisingly, the three were her triplets brothers who had eaten the same cake.

Elinor was surrounded by Fungus and his men. They were just about to kill her. Merida ran up to her mother to save her. Merida tried acting what she broke the her mother's spell, however it was not right way. Thus, Merida began to cry because she didn't know what she should have done. She cried and drapped their tapestry over Elinor's body and said, ' I love you'.

Then, the spell broke and Elinor transformed into human appearance! Also, triplets 's spell broke then.

Her betrothals returned back to thier own countries by Fungus's excuse. Merida, Elinor, Fungus and triplets lived happily ever after.

I felt that the last transfomation scene was the similar to that of 'Beauty and Beast'. I think that Disney theme to break the spell is expressing 'I love you'. It was an interesting book! I'd like to see the movie too!                                                                                            
                                                                                                        see you next time.....

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