

I've started to read a new book, "An Ideal Husband" written by Oscar Wilde in 1895.
The story is one of Wild's four  comical plays and it was made into a movie in the UK in 1999.

In London , Sir Robert Chiltern was a succuessful politician and an honest man. He also had good-looking and intellegient face. Moreover, he was a devoted husband for his beautiful Lady Chiltern. He was indeed the ideal husband!

However, his perfect life was begun to break down becasuse of Mrs Cheveley who knew his past. She visited him and asked to join force her Argentine Canal plan, but Sir Robert rejected the cooperation becasuse the plan was criminal plan. But then, Mrs Chevely said to him that she was going to tell his dangerous secret to an  English newspaper if he rejected her plan. Actually, he had sold a government secret to a businessman to get a large sum of money in the past. No one knew the secret except Mrs Cheveley and his old friend, Baron Arnheim. If the secret was spread, his perfect life would collapsed. So, he accepted the proposal.

After that, his wife, Lady Chiltern knew that her husband decided to support the Argentine Canal plan which he objected against till a short while ago. She couldn't understand him and let him wrote a letter to Mrs Chevely about refusing the plan. Sir Robert never told his wife the truth because he was afraid of losing her love. His wife hated dishonest things. But, Mrs Chevely exposed his wife about his dangerous secret and her husband confessed what he had done before. Lady Chiltern was disappointed. The situation what Sir Robert was afraid happened.

I  don't feel that there is a perfect man in the world. Everyone has a weak point and an unpleasant past. I'd like to know what Sir Robert do next!

                                                                                        see you next time....

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